
What is animal ?how would you characterized this word..and more

  Animals   are   multicellular ,   eukaryotic   organisms in the   biological kingdom   Animalia . With few exceptions, animals   consume organic material ,   breathe oxygen , are   able to move , can   reproduce sexually , and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the   blastula , during   embryonic development . Over 1.5 million   living   animal   species   have been   described —of which around 1 million are   insects —but it has been estimated there are over 7 million animal species in total. Animals range in length from 8.5 micrometres (0.00033 in) to 33.6 metres (110 ft). They have   complex interactions   with each other and their environments, forming intricate   food webs . The scientific study of animals is known as   zoology . Most living animal species are in  Bilateria , a  clade  whose members have a  bilaterally symmetric   body plan . The Bilateria include the  protostomes , containing animals such as  nematodes ,  arthropods ,  flatworms ,  annelids  and  molluscs , an

Spynx cat - is it completely hair less ? and more...

 The main  specific of the Sphynx cat is the lack of a fur fleece! The  pussycats,  still, aren't  fully furless but covered with fine very tiny and smoth hair like . (spynx cat,source Bing) The cat doesn't have whiskers or eyelashes which is highly unusual considering almost all cats have these.  The head is identical to that of Devon Rex. The eyes are dark, the form of a bomb. The body is muscular and fine- gutted and a barrel  casket. The legs are long and slender, and the shape of the bow leg is due to the barrel of the  casket.    The tail is long and rugged and hard to touch.  They ’re warm and soft to touch, and they ’ve earned the name ‘ sweet hot water bottle. ’  The skin is wrinkled on the  corridor of the head,  casket, and legs, but it should be  tutored  far and wide differently. The saturation is  easily apparent on the skin of the cat Sphynx.  All patterns and colours of the skin are  respectable.   Origin  Furless  pussycats have been recognised for generations;

Extinct animal you probably never heard

 There's many extinct animal's you probably never heard of and one of them quagga. What kind of animal is it?(or rather was) The quagga ( Equus quagga quagga) is a species of the plains zebra that was aboriginal to South Africa until it was hunted to  extermination in the late 19th century. (picture of quagga,source bing)  It was long  study to be a distinct species, but early  inheritable studies have supported it being a species of the plains zebra. A more recent study suggests that it's the southernmost clone or ecotype of the species.    The quagga is believed to have been about 257 cm long and 125- 135 cm altitudinous at the shoulder. It was distinguished from other zebras by its limited pattern of  substantially brown and white stripes,  substantially on the front of the body. The  reverse was brown and unstriped, and had a more  steed- suchlike appearance.    The distribution of stripes varied  vastly among  individualities. Little is known about quagga  geste       

Why do we say cats have a 9 lives ?mystical stuff or true science...what is what

 Cat's are really quite unique animals . Cat's resilience and toughness led to the idea that it has more than one life but saying that cat's has more than one life and specifically 9 lives (why 9 and not 12 or 5 or what ever number) has always puzzled me. (img source google) ( As i writing this blog i try to improve content to provided always better and unique information so that you find this blog post great to read not just about new but also unique abilities ,behaviour ...etc... of cats.If anything in any post you found useful and want to read more content like that then why not subscribe now.Thank you .)  As i look on the google for answer i found this interesting proverb and it quote :  “ A cat has nine lives.   For three he plays, for three he strays and for the last three he stays. " The answer to this as i found apparently is very simple.So let's get to this.                                                    (img source:google) Well apparently in ancient t

Why do cats eyes glow in the dark spaces ?...

 In some time you might be going outside when is dark or very low visibility and then from far or close you might spot 2 small glowing dots looking at you. What is it ? It's a cat ,but why is the cat eyes glowing ? Is it magic or some nature unknown power ? NO.The answer to this is much more amazing then that .Let's see what is it. (img:source google) ( Well as we said in many post's before we try to write quality and informative content related to cat's mostly you could probably dedicate from the name ''blogging cats'' ,so if you enjoy reading these posts and find it at least a little bit interesting you should subscribe . Thank you. ) So cat has an eye with light-reflective layer which called tapetum lucidum which means ''bright carpet''. This so called bright carpet acts as a mirror behind the retina of the eyes and with this cat can utilize (absorb) lot of  light that enter it's eye.For example humans eyes absorb far less

What is special about cats whiskers? The answer might surprise you...

Now we all see cat face at least once and we all know roughly how cats look like or at least if you see a cat you would know it's a cat. If you saw a cat you would see that cat has a whiskers which you would think it's some sort of similar thing to a moustache or a obvious feeler...but is it though??                                                                                                                               (img source;google) The answer is more complicated and remarkable than that .Apart from obvious feelers cats whiskers also operate as a  ''air-current detectors''.What the h*ck is that you say .Well im about to explain. (img source;google) ( IF YOU LIKE THIS POST WHY NOT  SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG ? - I do lot of research mostly online before i write this blog ,so i try to keep it very good standard of using factual content/words and reshaping blog content in very informative and creative sense that gives honest information about anything related t

How does a cat manage to fall on it's feet ?

 Although cat's are excellent climbers ,they do occasionally fall  and when this happens a special ''righting reflex''goes into instant operation .Without this a cat could easily break it's back.                                         (img source :google) ( SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG - I do lot of research mostly online before i write this blog ,so i try to keep it very good standard of using factual content/words and reshaping blog content in very informative and creative sense that gives honest information about anything related to cats content. I would really appreciated if you subscribe to my blog to show that you like to see more content like this. thank you. ) As im not an expert this what it looks like when it happens : As it starts to fall ,with it's body upside-down ,an automatic twisting reaction begins at the head end of the body.                                                      (img source :google) The head rotates first ,until it is upright ,then t

What are the games cats play ? definitely not a SUDOKU ...

 One of the great pleasure when you own a cat is watching it play or even when play with it oneself.For hundreds of years this innocent diversion was fascinating to watch as what does cat actually think ?...etc... (img source:google) The great naturalist Edward Topsel in the seventeenth century waxed lyrical about feline play in words like :,,Therefore how she beggeth,playeth,leapth,looketh,catcheth,tosseth with her foot,riseth up to string held over her head,sometimes creepping ,sometimes lying on the back ,playing with one foot,sometimes on the belly,snatching now mouth and anon with foot...''.      ( SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG - I do lot of research mostly online before i write this blog ,so i try to keep it very good standard of using factual content/words and reshaping blog content in very informative and creative sense that gives honest information about anything related to cats content. I would really appreciated if you subscribe to my blog to show that you like to see more conte

Why do cats purr ? Question might not be so obvious as it seems...

 Why do cats purr?The question might seems obvious ,a purring cat is a contented cat.This surely must be true or is it?Not...Reapeated observation revealed that cats in pain,injured or even in labour purr.These can hardly be a contented cats as such but it it true that also contented happy cats purr too ...but not solely because of being content.                                                         (pic. example found from google) Let's check what i found in book about cats.In a book it says i quote ,,A more precise explanation ,which fits all cases ,is that purring signals a friendly social mood,and it can be given as a signal to say a cat indicating the need for friendship or as a signal to an owner,saying thank you for friendship.,,So you see it 's sort of friendly signals as suppose to contentment. (Now i know i writing that same stuff on all my blog post's but if you really enjoy this post You should subscribe so you can enjoy more and more content from ever growing

Cats Anatomy - not only boring stuff ...well yes it is...

 Cats are one of those animal you look and think ...ahhh so cute or if they are hungry they hypnotise you with their eyes. There's question like why do cats purr.why they called cats etc... which is too long to explain in single word ,anyway this post is about cats anatomy which is what im going to write about(in short). (pic. from internet/google) As you can see cats are mammals which explain similarities in anatomy of cats and humans. Cats might seems lazy but when outside totally self independent .Why is that? Who knows... Most likely it is because of generation of breeds of different type of wild cats which then being domesticated. As there's lot more which would include talking about precise anatomy etc...of cat which this blog tries to cover ...means that i included picture ...Unless you are into veterinary stuff i don't think you find it interesting...which is why this post end short. But please enjoy reading other of my post's on

Kittens like to play ...which young mammals don't...

 Kittens like to play (well let's face it so do any young mammals )it's much more then just exiting pleasure to young developing cat.Play involves using muscle and developing coordination and skill and aim at strong healthy development of cat's.Cat's like toys it help them develop socially a physically into healthy and well balanced cat.                                             (cat's can easily lose interest in playing with toy)(provided by google search) (This blog is being written by finding actual content on internet using google,wikipedia but also using psychical object called books :)to find information not only latest content but also old reliable information and formulating it into what this blog is all about - cat's pls SUBSCRIBE A SHARE to help develop this blog into something more then just bunch of boring information. thank you). (this funny image of cat i found on google)(provided by google search) There are toy's that help develop cer

Unwanted cats - YES we have to talk about negative content as well...

 There are many cat's every year rehomed which not always relate to cat being abandoned by owner purposely.There is also many other reasons why cat require to be rehomed when they end up in rescue center.Example: owner is too old to care about cat's .However after cat's end up in rescue centre cat is get to been look after until rehomed.After that most rescue centers look to rehome cats into responsible well looking after homes so that cat don't get to be rehomed again for rest of the life. Neglected  or unwanted cat are often found in many rescue centers. Most if not all rescue work relies on is charitable donations.It takes time to rehome cat/dogs...etc.                                                (cat can easily get scared specially if in distress)   (it's not a pretty sight to see cat like this ,img provided form google search)

Cat senses - why does cat has better sense and abilities than human?? even when domesticated ...

 As natural nocturnal hunters,cats have evolved their sense organs to highly tuned abilities.Not only to do these senses serve to aid hunting ,but also to keep cat safe from predators.Even though most cats today live in safe,domestic enviroment,they still display many characteristics that they developed in wild.Like example is for hunting food,survival to spot predators hunting them and other day to day survival activities required using senses like smell or vision but also taste etc... ( SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG - I do lot of research mostly online before i write this blog ,so i try to keep it very good standard of using factual content/words and reshaping blog content in very informative and creative sense that gives honest information about anything related to cats content. I would really appreciated if you subscribe to my blog to show that you like to see more content like this. thank you. )  Most important cat senses: sight  hearing  scent flehming Sight - Now lot of people think that ca