What is animal ?how would you characterized this word..and more

  Animals   are   multicellular ,   eukaryotic   organisms in the   biological kingdom   Animalia . With few exceptions, animals   consume organic material ,   breathe oxygen , are   able to move , can   reproduce sexually , and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the   blastula , during   embryonic development . Over 1.5 million   living   animal   species   have been   described —of which around 1 million are   insects —but it has been estimated there are over 7 million animal species in total. Animals range in length from 8.5 micrometres (0.00033 in) to 33.6 metres (110 ft). They have   complex interactions   with each other and their environments, forming intricate   food webs . The scientific study of animals is known as   zoology . Most living animal species are in  Bilateria , a  clade  whose members have a  bilaterally symmetric   ...

Kittens like to play ...which young mammals don't...

 Kittens like to play (well let's face it so do any young mammals )it's much more then just exiting pleasure to young developing cat.Play involves using muscle and developing coordination and skill and aim at strong healthy development of cat's.Cat's like toys it help them develop socially a physically into healthy and well balanced cat.

                                            (cat's can easily lose interest in playing with toy)(provided by google search)

(This blog is being written by finding actual content on internet using google,wikipedia but also using psychical object called books :)to find information not only latest content but also old reliable information and formulating it into what this blog is all about - cat's ...so pls SUBSCRIBE A SHARE to help develop this blog into something more then just bunch of boring information.

thank you).

(this funny image of cat i found on google)(provided by google search)

There are toy's that help develop certain ability (like example ,scratching,catching,...)

Scratching - scratching helps both to keep clean and sharpen the claws.

This sort of exercise is good not only for cat's claws and paws,but also extends to the muscles in legs and the back which is great for cat general wellbeing.

Apparently toy's scented with mint will cause cat great excitement and interest.

Toys help stimulate natural responses cat would have if it was in wild environment also are part of cat learning to respond and act to object as part of growing up into mature cat.

(There are many different strange toys/product's designed for cat and any other animal)(pic. from google)

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