is bloging worth it to do in 2023?or maybe don't bother...

 When you start blogging you always have to think is it worth it ? When searching bing or google page pop with answer like this..a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. (source,bing) Blogging can also be done in your spare time or whenever but most blogs never made past 1£ a month unless having big traffic been hugely recognized and even then if page rpm is under 0.01£ you can have 1000pageviews but still not even 1penny...crazy right but 100% true. For blogging these days you need some serious investment of time and money before you commit any time to make any money blogging. 80% of blogs in first year usually never made past 0.40£ .So it's always good to have a think about before commiting full time... Additional content : vore online games pasha global suribet online games naughty games online wicked games zoe blake read online sissy ...

Kittens like to play ...which young mammals don't...

 Kittens like to play (well let's face it so do any young mammals )it's much more then just exiting pleasure to young developing cat.Play involves using muscle and developing coordination and skill and aim at strong healthy development of cat's.Cat's like toys it help them develop socially a physically into healthy and well balanced cat.

                                            (cat's can easily lose interest in playing with toy)(provided by google search)

(This blog is being written by finding actual content on internet using google,wikipedia but also using psychical object called books :)to find information not only latest content but also old reliable information and formulating it into what this blog is all about - cat's pls SUBSCRIBE A SHARE to help develop this blog into something more then just bunch of boring information.

thank you).

(this funny image of cat i found on google)(provided by google search)

There are toy's that help develop certain ability (like example ,scratching,catching,...)

Scratching - scratching helps both to keep clean and sharpen the claws.

This sort of exercise is good not only for cat's claws and paws,but also extends to the muscles in legs and the back which is great for cat general wellbeing.

Apparently toy's scented with mint will cause cat great excitement and interest.

Toys help stimulate natural responses cat would have if it was in wild environment also are part of cat learning to respond and act to object as part of growing up into mature cat.

(There are many different strange toys/product's designed for cat and any other animal)(pic. from google)

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