is bloging worth it to do in 2023?or maybe don't bother...

 When you start blogging you always have to think is it worth it ? When searching bing or google page pop with answer like this..a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. (source,bing) Blogging can also be done in your spare time or whenever but most blogs never made past 1£ a month unless having big traffic been hugely recognized and even then if page rpm is under 0.01£ you can have 1000pageviews but still not even 1penny...crazy right but 100% true. For blogging these days you need some serious investment of time and money before you commit any time to make any money blogging. 80% of blogs in first year usually never made past 0.40£ .So it's always good to have a think about before commiting full time... Additional content : vore online games pasha global suribet online games naughty games online wicked games zoe blake read online sissy ...

What is special about cats whiskers? The answer might surprise you...

Now we all see cat face at least once and we all know roughly how cats look like or at least if you see a cat you would know it's a cat. If you saw a cat you would see that cat has a whiskers which you would think it's some sort of similar thing to a moustache or a obvious feeler...but is it though?? 


                                                                               (img source;google)

The answer is more complicated and remarkable than that .Apart from obvious feelers cats whiskers also operate as a  ''air-current detectors''.What the h*ck is that you say .Well im about to explain.

(img source;google)

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As the cat moves along in the dark (cats might have excellent vision but in heavy dark they would struggle too without these) it needs to manoeuvre past solid objects without touching them.

Each solid object it approaches  causes slight disturbance in air and the cats whiskers are so amazingly sensitive that they can read(feel) these air changes and respond to the presence of solid obstacle even without touching them.

The whiskers are especially important when cat hunts at night.

So you ask what would happened if cat did not had a whiskers ?

Well apart from obvious look it would loose many senses like the most important mis-judging distances ,detecting movement in dark places and many more...

Apparently whiskers are technically called vibrissae and cat has few of these on each side of the cheeks.but did you know where else ??

Well apparently over the eyes on chin and surprisingly wait for it also on ...back of the front legs ...what??Yeah i would not ever think of that. 

(img source;google)

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