Cats Anatomy - not only boring stuff ...well yes it is...

 Cats are one of those animal you look and think ...ahhh so cute or if they are hungry they hypnotise you with their eyes.

There's question like why do cats purr.why they called cats etc... which is too long to explain in single word ,anyway this post is about cats anatomy which is what im going to write about(in short).

(pic. from internet/google)

As you can see cats are mammals which explain similarities in anatomy of cats and humans.
Cats might seems lazy but when outside totally self independent .Why is that? Who knows...
Most likely it is because of generation of breeds of different type of wild cats which then being domesticated.

As there's lot more which would include talking about precise anatomy etc...of cat which this blog tries to cover ...means that i included picture ...Unless you are into veterinary stuff i don't think you find it interesting...which is why this post end short.

But please enjoy reading other of my post's on
