What is animal ?how would you characterized this word..and more

  Animals   are   multicellular ,   eukaryotic   organisms in the   biological kingdom   Animalia . With few exceptions, animals   consume organic material ,   breathe oxygen , are   able to move , can   reproduce sexually , and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the   blastula , during   embryonic development . Over 1.5 million   living   animal   species   have been   described —of which around 1 million are   insects —but it has been estimated there are over 7 million animal species in total. Animals range in length from 8.5 micrometres (0.00033 in) to 33.6 metres (110 ft). They have   complex interactions   with each other and their environments, forming intricate   food webs . The scientific study of animals is known as   zoology . Most living animal species are in  Bilateria , a  clade  whose members have a  bilaterally symmetric   ...

Why do cats eyes glow in the dark spaces ?...

 In some time you might be going outside when is dark or very low visibility and then from far or close you might spot 2 small glowing dots looking at you.

What is it ?

It's a cat ,but why is the cat eyes glowing ?

Is it magic or some nature unknown power ?

NO.The answer to this is much more amazing then that .Let's see what is it.

(img:source google)

(Well as we said in many post's before we try to write quality and informative content related to cat's mostly ...as you could probably dedicate from the name ''blogging cats'' ,so if you enjoy reading these posts and find it at least a little bit interesting you should subscribe .

Thank you.)

So cat has an eye with light-reflective layer which called tapetum lucidum which means ''bright carpet''.

This so called bright carpet acts as a mirror behind the retina of the eyes and with this cat can utilize (absorb) lot of  light that enter it's eye.For example humans eyes absorb far less light which enters them and because of this cats can make out (see) far more movement of objects in dark which to us humans would be quite almost invisible.

                                                                (img source :google)

So is it true that cats can see in the complete darkness??

Well despite all efficient noctural abilities it is NOT true that cat's can see in complete darkness as some believe so.In very dark places they use hearing ,smell and sensitive whiskers to help them navigate around these places.

So when ever you see that double flashing light in dark ...well it's probably just another cat .

//keywords and more ://

//in dark, anonymous forum,glowing eyes,cat//

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