
is bloging worth it to do in 2023?or maybe don't bother...

 When you start blogging you always have to think is it worth it ? When searching bing or google page pop with answer like this..a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. (source,bing) Blogging can also be done in your spare time or whenever but most blogs never made past 1£ a month unless having big traffic been hugely recognized and even then if page rpm is under 0.01£ you can have 1000pageviews but still not even 1penny...crazy right but 100% true. For blogging these days you need some serious investment of time and money before you commit any time to make any money blogging. 80% of blogs in first year usually never made past 0.40£ .So it's always good to have a think about before commiting full time... Additional content : vore online games pasha global suribet online games naughty games online wicked games zoe blake read online sissy ...

Cat senses - why does cat has better sense and abilities than human?? even when domesticated ...

 As natural nocturnal hunters,cats have evolved their sense organs to highly tuned abilities.Not only to do these senses serve to aid hunting ,but also to keep cat safe from predators.Even though most cats today live in safe,domestic enviroment,they still display many characteristics that they developed in wild.Like example is for hunting food,survival to spot predators hunting them and other day to day survival activities required using senses like smell or vision but also taste etc... ( SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG - I do lot of research mostly online before i write this blog ,so i try to keep it very good standard of using factual content/words and reshaping blog content in very informative and creative sense that gives honest information about anything related to cats content. I would really appreciated if you subscribe to my blog to show that you like to see more content like this. thank you. )  Most important cat senses: sight  hearing  scent flehming Sight - Now lot of p...

Wild cats - how they differ from domestic cat's ?

 What is difference bettween wild cat and domestic cat .Well first of all one is breeding in wild and one is been breeding in domestic caring environment. cat behaviour: Much of the behaviour that the modern domestic cat displays directly relates to it's wild origins.This is not always acceptable,but cats are very territorial and much of what they do reflects their need to stake out territory ,even if they are not neutered. Reason why is because in the wild this territorial behaviour is important.EXAMPLE - In times of famine or drought,there is not much food in wild to go around and the male (mostly)stakes out territory to ensure that intruders do not come and raid his or close area around of the available prey or nest...etc. If he has a female cat with kittens this is even more important,if the kitten are to survive in wild enviroment. It is not unknown for male/female cat to attack other cats in wild. The Norwegian forest cat is endorsed  with thick warm coat to protect it f...

Cats characterics - what are they ?

The cat is probably one of the most popular pet in the world today.Why is this it's really just open to speculation.While cats are not as obedient like dogs very difficult to train to preform tricks or make them bring you slippers etc.. They are not used as mousers anymore.They are independent at what ever the do.You may think you understand your cat but do you really understand your cat ?Just what really make a cat a cat is difficult to describe in one word.If you would ask to describe anybody would give you different description.                                               (face of cat hypnotizing you :) About history throughout history,the cat has been subject to several ups and downs in popularity stakes. Some of the earliest evidence of the domestic cat are to be found in ancient Egypt,where it was worshiped. These day's cats are not used for catching mouses or other...

What is bloggingcatz about?

 I started this blog to write about my ideas and stuff that interest me also about cats.:)Well mostly about cats.;)  Random Links: 404 error issue Animeblog linkage MinI rEview of Product's bloggexamples Buzzed Channel writer123post Cha-nnel1-blog cfr8u845 blokopedia examplext1 Free Nom Website Ebahsheue7 [^^] chaer bloggingcatz - blog about cats and more... CUBEBLOGSTATION About minecraft 38758357 Puzzles Bookpostr Buzzed Channel G-a-m-e-zzers livestreamersvid... yugouh jobsearcher backlink pongsy linkable dsff 404 error animators123 Portal - Sauce Animic likuble55 Free Nom Website Electronic format poeruu hjgjfjjf Comics picturesk bolexio pokemon 74ryfuhc 07----error 505 ---vice info---idfhguihs... ---Mewtwoss-ghjg... ---historic papers-4- ----whaer3 ebook ----1 huileros2