is bloging worth it to do in 2023?or maybe don't bother...

 When you start blogging you always have to think is it worth it ? When searching bing or google page pop with answer like this..a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. (source,bing) Blogging can also be done in your spare time or whenever but most blogs never made past 1£ a month unless having big traffic been hugely recognized and even then if page rpm is under 0.01£ you can have 1000pageviews but still not even 1penny...crazy right but 100% true. For blogging these days you need some serious investment of time and money before you commit any time to make any money blogging. 80% of blogs in first year usually never made past 0.40£ .So it's always good to have a think about before commiting full time... Additional content : vore online games pasha global suribet online games naughty games online wicked games zoe blake read online sissy ...

Wild cats - how they differ from domestic cat's ?

 What is difference bettween wild cat and domestic cat .Well first of all one is breeding in wild and one is been breeding in domestic caring environment.

cat behaviour:

Much of the behaviour that the modern domestic cat displays directly relates to it's wild origins.This is not always acceptable,but cats are very territorial and much of what they do reflects their need to stake out territory ,even if they are not neutered.

Reason why is because in the wild this territorial behaviour is important.EXAMPLE - In times of famine or drought,there is not much food in wild to go around and the male (mostly)stakes out territory to ensure that intruders do not come and raid his or close area around of the available prey or nest...etc.

If he has a female cat with kittens this is even more important,if the kitten are to survive in wild enviroment.

It is not unknown for male/female cat to attack other cats in wild.

The Norwegian forest cat is endorsed
 with thick warm coat to protect it from the harsh winter 
of it's native homeland in Northern Scandinavia it 
is also apparently excellent climbing cat (but which cat isn't...) 

Cats like to mark out their territory with chemical messages,these ussualy tell the other cat that stray into same area to leave out or keep off .The most common way of marking is by spraying concentrated(let's be honest it don't have to be concentrated to smell even to human nose) urine around the boundaries of the territory.This is mostly associated with male cats but cat females will also do that as well even if domesticated.
Over winter frost destroy any previous territorial marking of previous cat leaving space for other cat.

There are many different cat's in terms of size and style and even behaviour which they in habit from generation of is ancestor and place they originated from  .

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